How to Change App Package Name with Terminal Command in Flutter

To change the app package name manually by editing each file in Flutter is a bit time-consuming, and may cause errors if there you do not update every file. In this example, we are going to show you how to change the package name at once with the terminal command in Flutter.

To change the app package name with command, you need the add dev dependency change_app_package_name by adding the following lines in pubspec.yaml file. Remember, this is not a normal dependency, it is a dev dependency.

    sdk: flutter
  change_app_package_name: ^1.0.0

Now, update the dependencies

flutter pub get

After, that use the command below, replace the package name of your choice and hit in the terminal:

flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main

Replace the package name with yours before executing this command in the terminal.

The output of this command may look like below:

Old Package Name: com.example.testapp
Updating build.gradle File
Updating Main Manifest file
Updating Debug Manifest file
Updating build.gradle File
Updating Main Manifest file
Updating Debug Manifest file
Updating Profile Manifest file
Project is using kotlin
Updating MainActivity.kt
Creating New Directory Structure
Deleting old directories

Now, check the AndroidManifest.xml, build.gradle file if the package name is updated or not.

In this way, you can change the package name with the terminal command in Flutter. 

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